
The Java Virtual Machine Reference


Easier to generate code for stack-based architecture vs. register-based

Class files

Defined as a stream of 8-bit bytes consisting of a single ClassFile structure.

ClassFile {
	u4 magic; <- MAGIC := 0xCAFEBABE
	u2 minor_version;
	u2 major_version;
	u2 constant_pool_count;
	constant_pool[constant_pool_count-1] <- constants in the program
	u2 access_flags; 
	u2 super_class;
	u2 attributes_count;
	attribute_info attributes[...]


Loads and stores are between the stack and memory. Arithmetic operations get their operands from the stack, and leave their results on the stack! Instructions consist of a one-byte opcode specifying the operation to be performed, followed by operands supplying args or data used by the operation.

Variables in the JVM are typed. booleans are referred to as ā€˜Zā€™. Strings are referred to as Ljava/lang/String;, and so on.


static, non-static, and local variables

  • static- instructions getstatic and putstatic
  • non-static class members- getfield and putfield
  • local variables- each method invocation causes the creation of a new frame. Frame contains operand stack where most of the work is done, array of local variables