Dueling Network Architectures for Deep Reinforcement Learning
Wang, de Freitas, Lanctot, 2016
For many states, it is unnecessary to estimate the action value for each action. This is a problem with methods that attempt to favor exploration over exploitation too much, because often times there will be a large number of actions that have little to no value for a given state.
The Q-Network in this novel architecture is decomposed into two separate streams; a value stream and an advantage stream. Feature learning is carried out by a number of convolutional and pooling layers. The activations of the last of these layers are sent to both separate streams. Each stream contains a number of fully-connected layers. The final layer combines the output of the two streams, and the output of the network is a set of Q values, one for each action.
The aggregator for the two outputs of the advantage and value streams is:
$\beta$ refers to the parameters specific to the value network, and the alpha refers to the parameters specific to the advantage network.
The advantage of the dueling network over standard Q-Networks is especially prominent when the number of actions is large. For standard Q-Networks, when the variation between actions is small, the Q-Network effectively has to learn the same value for all actions while each update only modifies the Q value of one action.
The dueling network architecture outperformed the Double-DQN results in 50 out of 57 learned Atari games.
The paper does a good job of making its main contribution (a novel neural network architecture) clear at the beginning.
The experimental algorithm for Dueling Networks employs other state-of-the-art advances in DRL (such as Double-DQN) which helps show the correlation between research being carried on in this field.
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